Fucked Up and Bad AI

Succeed at Being Terrible

Do you remember when AI was fucked up and bad? I do. It was funny and cool and not a tool of the wealthy and discompasionate to deprive people of a career of creative expression. That's why FUABAI is bringing it back! Fast enough to run on your PC (Nvidia GPU may be required) through the power of enshittening!


I just found a document describing the architecture of LyreBird, a couple-years-old, discontinued, AI TTS. It was used to make my favorite boy Joshua RadioTV! I'm working on training a version of it right now. Hope it works!

FUBAI has moved to PythonAnywhere. Check out LyingBard.


How Does it Work?

So basically I futz around on Python with Pytorch until I get something that works good enough and then I use that. Normally that'd be disappointing, but here mediocrity is success!

Data Provenence


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